Wednesday, 9 January 2019

4. Reasons for growth of data.

Nowadays the social media are available from mobile phones, laptops and tablets that the consumers and they have the access for it 24/7. Enormous numbers of consumer can tell as how many data is stored on the portals. For example, if we follow for one hour famouse brand on Twitter we can see exactly how it is work. Social networking is available on the whole world and people can communicate each other.


"Today, smart devices have revolutionized mobile computing by offering the big data solution.Citing the latest finding from BI Intelligence, Business Insider’s Marcelo Ballve revealed that mobile’s big data surge induces a positive impact on all aspects of the trade.
( (2019). The Present and the Future of Big Data and Mobile Technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2019].)

If we look at the past we can see how mobile technologies are changed. Customers can use the devices everywhere. Companies are created for them better and faster devices. People are online any time and data are stored and running all the time.

Most users will have access to 3G coverage, whereas, in large built-up areas, the coverage is usually upgraded to 4G.  5G is being tested in London ( (2019). What is 5G and when will it come to the UK?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2019].) which will allow for streaming and download speeds usually reserved for broadband.
The large operators are constantly adding more and more bandwidth to the current infrastructure, allowing for newer technology to access the network(s) at faster speeds.  There is a huge range of tariffs available to new customers and those customers who upgrade to newer handsets and packages.  More and more customers are electing to choose all-inclusive packages where they do not have to monitor the amount of data being used.  This allows for customers to stream data i.e. movies and TV shows as well as constant on-demand connection to apps and social media.

The Internet is available for everyone everywhere. People can "surf" on the internet to look for information or check social media. Young people can use the internet at school to work together. If we look back 10 years was not possible to access for this scale.


Companies invited new technology for the customers. We can see adverts which one show us new technology like mobile phones, tablets, laptops. People can communicate with each other around the world 24/7.


The study examined the cost of hardware, software, and support for 250TB of storage, growing 25% per year and used to store infrequently accessed data in an online archive. (2019). Managing the Data Explosion with a Total Cost of Ownership | SUSE. [online] Available at [Accessed 9 Jan. 2019].)

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